The true definition of ARUL is certainly Susi's to define. The letters stand for
cceptance, Respect, and Unconditional Love,
but for me it is truly a concept that comes alive in the person of Susi herself. As "A Rule" to live by, ARUL is beautiful in its simplicity, yet so very deep and meaningful in its fullness. I look forward to posting Susi's own words here to explain, but from our conversations I've come to understand that ARUL is a realization of a state of being at which Susi herself has arrived in conjunction with her unique perspective from a lifelong battle with a very rare genetic physical challenge that is drastic and formidable. But ARUL is so much greater and far reaching.
Click your way back to Winged Bear Productions and click on the Ruby Flower to read about Winged Bear and ARUL in Susi's own words.


Lorin Grean, a Santa Barbara-based Celtic harpist, has included a song about ARUL on her CD, "Meridian Blue".

Page Created: June 20, 2000 — Last Update: March 1, 2008— maintained by
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